
Select your state from the list on the right for information on how to write-in Frank Moore for President in 2008.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

New York

New York uses Sequoia and ES&S voting systems. See the following instructions for how to write-in a candidate using each of these two systems. Ask your polling place how to write-in a candidate if you have any question!


Using the pen provided by the poll worker, mark the ballot by drawing a line between the head and tail of an arrow that points to your choice. To vote for a write-in candidate, write the name of the write-in candidate in the space marked "Write-In." You must draw a line connecting the head and tail of the arrow that points at the "Write-In" space for your write-in vote to be counted.
REMEMBER: Only write-in votes for qualified write-in candidates will be counted. A list of qualified write-in candidates is available at the poll. If you make a mistake while voting simply request another ballot from the poll worker.


The ES&S AutoMARK allows you to write-in candidates, as well. To cast a vote for a write-in candidate, touch the “WRITE-IN” option and a keyboard will appear on the screen.
Use the keyboard to type in the name of a candidate for whom you would like to cast a vote. Once you have entered the name, press “OK” and the name of your write-in selection will appear on your ballot.
Continue making and changing selections until you complete the ballot.

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